Saturday, June 28, 2014

Korean Skin Care

Hey ya'll!

          I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Its been a while since I posted anything. But trying to get back to blogging about skin care products and subscription (sort of) boxes. 


        So everyone knows Korean skin care and beauty craze has blown up beginning of this year. Although many of us already had been following Korean skin care routine to achieve proclaim skin, there are many people still out there that are still not really familiar with Korean skin care. 


     I have started to use Korean skin care  brands 8 years ago. My first Korean skin care brand was Laneige. I had acne prone skin and I was tired of trying all the American products, I wanted to go out and try out other product brands. A youtube guru posted a brand called Laneige and since I live in California, and there are many Laneige stores where I live, I just had to try it. the price range was a bit pricey. $20+. When you go in the stores, the lady will sign you up to this point card where you just keep gaining points every time you buy. Its free to sign up. $1 = 1 point. And at certain point, you get $10 off your next purchase. 

      I liked Laneige, and I still own some of their products, but I wanted to try other brands. What do I got to lose? I started to like Korean skin care products since it didn't irritate my skin. Many Korean skin care products are based on natural ingredients. 

     But remember folks, you are the only person that knows your own skin. For example, even though Aloe is good for everyone, doesn't mean it might be good for you (I get itchy when I put Aloe, I still can't figure out why). Anywho, even though its natural ingredients, remember, choose the ingredients you know your skin will like. If you don't know, take some time to figure it out. I am sure we all have tried many products out there to know what is good for us and what is not. 

     My second korean skin care brand was TheFaceShop. They also have stores closed to where I lived so it was very convenient. They also have the point system card where you can sign up. Third is Skinfood

     The more I used Korean skin care, the more I started to have less acne (I am sure majority part was me starting to eat more vegetables and brown rice). But what everyone needs to know is that you have to be healthy on the inside AND clean on the outside to have good skin. But I have tried many brands and products to know what is good for my skin. I am a weird person, I NEVER stick to one brand for a long period of time. The reason is because there are so many products out there that I want to try them all. Ya'll know the feeling! 

Korean Skin Care:

    Korean man and woman take pride in their skin. They will pay a lot of money to have glowing beautiful skin. They have this complicated steps of skin care routine they go through every night to maintain their beautiful skin. So Korean nighttime skin care goes like this:

Makeup remover -> Cleanser -> toner -> mask -> essence/serum -> eye cream -> emulsion ->cream

RIGHT? who has time? but heck, their skin is so nice, maybe all those steps are worth it. I, however, do not follow these steps cause I am a rebel and I like to live dangerously. I just go with the flow, cause when nighttime comes, I just want to sleep. This is my step:

Cleanser -> toner (done! sleeptime) 
Cleanser -> moisturizer (done! sleeptime)
Cleanser -> mask (done! nighty night) 

I know. Its terrible, but a girl got to get her sleep! Luckily, my skin has been improving so some of the products must be working! 

If you haven't tried Korean skin care brand, go try it! Their ingredients are mostly for sensitive skin so there isn't anything to be scared of. 

Btw, look at all their advertisements. They know how to make you buy stuff, put a pretty girl/guy on the advertisements. Who wouldn't want to look like THAT! 


Thanks for reading!

Stay happy and keep on smiling! =) 

The Lively Mango

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Uncovering the Beauty Behind Face Masks

Hi Everyone!

It's been quite a while since I posted up something. I apologize. =[ Its fall here, so I decided since its getting colder soon, I need to stack up on my face masks for my skin! As you know, face masks comes in varieties: wash-off, peel-off, and gel/cotton masks sheets. They suits ALL type of skin types. Yes, even trouble/acne prone skin. =) I think DIY facial masks are the best for sensitive skins because you can add and mix in your own ingredients (no harsh chemicals  that fits your skin needs.


Profile: Thick texture (like mud/clay masks)

Recommended Skin Type: All skin type (different wash off mask suits different skin type.)

  • Detoxify/Nourishes the skin
  • Help skin problems (like dries out pimple)
  • Deep cleanse out pores
  • Draws out oil from the skin (Great for oily skin types) 
  • Hassel (since you have to wash your face again after face wash)
  • Some masks are hard to wash off after it dries
  • Some are smelly (some sulfur mask and clay mask smells terrible)
Proactive Sulfur Mask 

Great for Acne
Smells like Sulfer
I put on acne over night

The Body Shop Honey & Oat Mask

Very Moisturizing
Can get the sink messy
Smells good


Profile: Some have gel texture while others have very thick texture

Recommended Skin Type: Oily/Combonation/Normal

  • Great for getting rid of black heads
  • Peels away unwanted dead skin build-up
  • Great for lightening acne scars
  • Make your skin really tight before peeling it off
  • Some people says it enlarge pores
  • Can irritate skin after peeling it off
My Favorites:

The Face Shop Nose Pack ($7)

Smells good
Very thick texture when putting it on
Got rid of some of the black heads

GEL/COTTON Sheet Masks

Profile: Individual Sheet Mask (One per packet)

Recommended Skin Type: All (different mask targets different skin type)

  • Moisturizing
  • Easy to use
  • Does not get messy
  • Has many varieties targeted towards different skin types.
  • All of them smells great!
  • Size  of mask sheet (some might be too small or too big for your face-problems for mouth and eye area)
  • Other masks brand make the sheet too thin, causing it to break apart easily
My Favorites:

My Beauty Diary Masks ($13-16 per box)

 Yes..I took a picture of this AFTER I used the mask (ahahha, or else it would be very bad to stick it on my mirror and put it on my face)

Black Pearl Mask (GREAT for lightening acne scars) 

Strawberry Yogurt (great for oily skin)

DIY (do it yourself) Masks

Profile: Can be any type of mask you like (Wash/peel/sheet)

Recommended Skin Type: All (You can put any ingredients you want that can fits your skin type)

  • Ingredient control
  • Organic/natural
  • Saves money since you can use what you have in your house
  • Can be time consuming mixing the ingredients
  • Can get messy
  • The results can takes longer since you are using natural ingredients

Thanks for reading!

Stay happy and keep on smiling! =) 

The Lively Mango

Monday, September 10, 2012

Birchbox Shop: DDF Brightening Cleanser + amika Obliphica Nourishing Hair Mask

Hi there!

Wow, is it September already? Sorry kids. School is in session. But on a good side, fall is coming soon, which means (thank goodness!) that it will less hot out. I don't have to be afraid to go out in the burning hot daylight.   
Anyways, I have bad news. I am no longer subscribed to Birchbox. Even though I love getting samples, I think the problem lies in the fact that I only find at least 1 to 2 products useful from the samples they give. For example, I put I have uncolored hair and I have acne/pigmentation I want to get ride off. I also prefer skincare more than makeup. Yet, they gave me hair treatment for colored hair. Didn't give me the DDF brightening cleanser, which would have been so useful. I also got makeup in my box more than skin care. Most of the samples I received, I always end up giving it to my sister or my friends. I do wish they look at my profile and really try to fit my taste. But I guess I am asking too much. 

So, I used my Birchbox points (100points =$10) to purchase a sample pack from their shop. I got to pick the samples I really wanted/needed. You can check them out below. =]

*The product mention below include a skincare product, therefore, it is best to read my skin profile first because the product may not cater to your liking*

DDF Brightening Cleanser (sample size)
Full bottle: $38/ 250ml

Its' clear in color but will foam when using water. It doesn't as form as the Korean brand face wash.

Pros: It shrinks some of my acnes and some of my scars seem a bit lighter after 3 uses. Smells good. Doesn't irritate my skin.

Cons. Really drys out my skin. Especially my cheeks and around the mouth. The product does not foam as much. My face feels slippery when washing it off with water. (Which might be the reason why my face is dry from all the over washing)

Advice: I do not recommend this for my dry skin peeps out there. But if you have acne scar and have dry skin, use Korean brands whitening skincare lines. They tends to have more oil in their whitening products. MAKE SURE you MOSTURIZE after the use of this product.

My usage: I used it mostly nighttime. I switched off my washer with proactive acne cleanser.

amika Obliphica Nourishing Hair Mask (sample size)
Full bottle: $40/500ml

The color is same as any hair masks, which is white. It smells like pina colada therefore, it has a very sweet scent.

Pros: Smells good. Makes my hair super soft (I just put them in my dry ends).

Cons: None so far. Well...I guess the price is a lot for a hair mask. 

My usage: After shampoo. I apply them to my dry ends. Wait a few minutes, then rinse it off with water.

Anyways, that is all. Enjoy your rest of the day/night/evening or what ever you are doing. =) 

Thanks for reading!
Stay happy and keep on smiling! 

The Lively Mango 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Lively Mango: Birchbox August 2012

The Lively Mango: Birchbox August 2012: Hi There! Guess what came in my mailbox today? Did you guess it? Did ya? If you said August Birchbox, then you are corrrrrect. If you ...

Birchbox August 2012

Hi There!

Guess what came in my mailbox today? Did you guess it? Did ya? If you said August Birchbox, then you are corrrrrect. If you also said credit cards advertisements and bills, well…. you are also correct! So for this month Birchbox, the theme is Beauty School. Sound fun right? It is also just what I need, to be schooled on beauty. Let's put on our learning caps, and head back to school.

For this month, I receive 5 samples plus 1 extra. Below will be both products and some reviews. Enjoy reading!


Stretch Mark Cream
Price: $89.95
Scentless, which is a good thing. It feels creamy, like a lotion.
I can't really tell you if it works or not since I only used it once. But if it does, I will definitely post up a separate review for this product.

Moisturizing Lip Gloss (in Birchbox pink)
Price: $20
Scentless, a bit sticky, do not like the consistency, but love the color!

Juicy Couture
Viva la Juicy La Fleur
Price: $70
I am not a Juicy Couture fan, but this perfume wasn't too bad. The scent is very fruity (great for summer) and a bit strong (not for people who have sensitive nose).

Shu Uemura Art of Hair
Full Shimmer Illuminating Shampoo
Price: $48
WOW! Shu Uemura! I never thought I would see this brand in my sample box. And it's not even makeup but shampoo? I will update a review once I have tried it.

Shu Uemura Art of Hair
Full Shimmer Illuminating Treatment
Price: $58
Ooooo, who doesn't love treatment for their hair?

 Birchbox Extra
Hydro Silk Razor
This was cool surprise. Since I don't need a razor, I will be handing this off to my sister since my Venus razor has never cut or failed me. 

Also in the box, they have included a Beauty School pamphlet that educates you on makeup brushes to how to read a the label. Awesome! Now, I don't have to search it through Google. Yay lazy me! Hope the info helps you guys too!

Thanks for reading!
Stay happy and keep on smiling! 

The Lively Mango

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Lively Mango: Summer Splurge: The Face Shop Clean Face line

The Lively Mango: Summer Splurge: The Face Shop Clean Face line: Hi there! As many of you guys might not know, I LOVE skin care products. I love researching them and trying them out (who doesn't want to ...

Summer Splurge: The Face Shop Clean Face line

Hi there!

As many of you guys might not know, I LOVE skin care products. I love researching them and trying them out (who doesn't want to look good?). I want to first of let you guys know my skin profile so you guys get an idea of what kinds of  product I try to look for and products I avoid using. 

JUST SO everyone knows, you should not depend solely on skincare products to do miracle for your skin. It has to do with inner body as well, like genetic, hormones, things you are eating, if you are healthy, and medications. I heard celebrities in Korea look like that because they have to go to dermatologist every week. So, money is a big factor as well. =] 

Skin profile:

Combination: Very dry cheeks, very oily t-zone,
Acne prone skin: Mostly my forehead, nose and chin. Breaks out ALL the time (it is usually due to hormones, thing I eat, and genetic)
I have acne scars: Which I recent gotten on my forehead and chin, and I am trying to find a good product to get rid of them. 
Makeup: I tried to stay away from make up as possible (meaning, I only use them when it is necessary)

Products I am currently using now to get rid of my acne is proactive (I have used it since high school and its not the best but it helps with my acne compared to other acne products system). I don't use it everyday, only when I have very bad break outs. 

Products ingredients I look for (for now):

  • Oil free (for my t-zone)
  • alcohol free (they tend to dry out of cheeks)
  • Paraben free (I heard they give you cancer- but many skin care products have them so this is not a must)
  • Natural ingredients (like green tea)
  • salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and witch hazel (if I am looking for products that will help me with my acne) 
Products ingredients I try to avoid (for now):
  • Aloe (for some reason, aloe make my skin itchy. I tried using the actual plant and it didn't do anything and caused little bumps on my chin. I also tried using some masks with aloe in it and it does the same. Aloe is supposed to be the most natural plant to fix many skin care problems. Maybe my skin is just weird.
I have used/tried so many products that I will eventually review all of them for you, and can go on and on about them. But, for now, let just go with my recent purchase from The Face Shop. For those of you do not know, it is a Korean brand product. You gotta love them Korean products. Why? because they give you samples like there is no tomorrow.  

They have a lot of natural ingredients for their skin care line and makeup. The price can go from $2- $60. From my experience with their products, I do not depend of their skincare line to make my acne go away, and its only because their main ingredients includes natural ingredient, which is great for people with sensitive skin. 

So I bought 2 products from their clean face skin care line, you guys know what caught my eye. Green tea! I bought a mask and acne patch. The lady at the counter give me a face wash as a sample. 

Clean Face Mask Sheet: $3

Sebum control?: Yes! My T-zone was very dry the whole day.
Price?: Was very worth it. Some masks sells for $6/each and they were okay.
Actual Mask: I had better masks, but this mask is great for summertime (when my face gets really oily)
Overall: 4 out of 5 (I would purchase it again)

Clean Face Spot Clear Intensive Patch: $2 (12 patches)

Blemish control?: No, my pimple were still there the next morning. =(
Price?: Pretty cheap, so it wasn't a big investment.
Actual Product: 6 big (1/2 inch) and 6 small (1/4 inch). Love that they give you different size for different size pimples. The patch is very clear and very thin.
Overall: 3 out of 5 (I love the idea and although it did not help my pimple go away, it is a great product to put on those stubborn pimples so you stop touching them)

Clean Face Acne Solution Foam Cleansing: free sample

Acne solver?: Nope. But I love it as a regular face wash! 
Actual Product: Very foamy after slathering with water. Don't need a lot to wash the whole face. It does feel a bit dry after but that is what toner/moisturizers for. 
Overall: 4 out of 5 (smells like green tea. It did not broke me out. Will use it as a morning face wash)

Thanks for reading!
Keep smiling and stay happy!

The Lively Mango