Saturday, June 28, 2014

Korean Skin Care

Hey ya'll!

          I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Its been a while since I posted anything. But trying to get back to blogging about skin care products and subscription (sort of) boxes. 


        So everyone knows Korean skin care and beauty craze has blown up beginning of this year. Although many of us already had been following Korean skin care routine to achieve proclaim skin, there are many people still out there that are still not really familiar with Korean skin care. 


     I have started to use Korean skin care  brands 8 years ago. My first Korean skin care brand was Laneige. I had acne prone skin and I was tired of trying all the American products, I wanted to go out and try out other product brands. A youtube guru posted a brand called Laneige and since I live in California, and there are many Laneige stores where I live, I just had to try it. the price range was a bit pricey. $20+. When you go in the stores, the lady will sign you up to this point card where you just keep gaining points every time you buy. Its free to sign up. $1 = 1 point. And at certain point, you get $10 off your next purchase. 

      I liked Laneige, and I still own some of their products, but I wanted to try other brands. What do I got to lose? I started to like Korean skin care products since it didn't irritate my skin. Many Korean skin care products are based on natural ingredients. 

     But remember folks, you are the only person that knows your own skin. For example, even though Aloe is good for everyone, doesn't mean it might be good for you (I get itchy when I put Aloe, I still can't figure out why). Anywho, even though its natural ingredients, remember, choose the ingredients you know your skin will like. If you don't know, take some time to figure it out. I am sure we all have tried many products out there to know what is good for us and what is not. 

     My second korean skin care brand was TheFaceShop. They also have stores closed to where I lived so it was very convenient. They also have the point system card where you can sign up. Third is Skinfood

     The more I used Korean skin care, the more I started to have less acne (I am sure majority part was me starting to eat more vegetables and brown rice). But what everyone needs to know is that you have to be healthy on the inside AND clean on the outside to have good skin. But I have tried many brands and products to know what is good for my skin. I am a weird person, I NEVER stick to one brand for a long period of time. The reason is because there are so many products out there that I want to try them all. Ya'll know the feeling! 

Korean Skin Care:

    Korean man and woman take pride in their skin. They will pay a lot of money to have glowing beautiful skin. They have this complicated steps of skin care routine they go through every night to maintain their beautiful skin. So Korean nighttime skin care goes like this:

Makeup remover -> Cleanser -> toner -> mask -> essence/serum -> eye cream -> emulsion ->cream

RIGHT? who has time? but heck, their skin is so nice, maybe all those steps are worth it. I, however, do not follow these steps cause I am a rebel and I like to live dangerously. I just go with the flow, cause when nighttime comes, I just want to sleep. This is my step:

Cleanser -> toner (done! sleeptime) 
Cleanser -> moisturizer (done! sleeptime)
Cleanser -> mask (done! nighty night) 

I know. Its terrible, but a girl got to get her sleep! Luckily, my skin has been improving so some of the products must be working! 

If you haven't tried Korean skin care brand, go try it! Their ingredients are mostly for sensitive skin so there isn't anything to be scared of. 

Btw, look at all their advertisements. They know how to make you buy stuff, put a pretty girl/guy on the advertisements. Who wouldn't want to look like THAT! 


Thanks for reading!

Stay happy and keep on smiling! =) 

The Lively Mango

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